offsite2010 (Site-specific outdoor installation, Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance, Fall)


The HD video is one continuous shot of a prairie landscape. The image has been sutured and tampered with, so that the wind in the clouds and the wind in the grass blow in opposite directions. The overhead cumulus clouds blow backwards 300% faster than the field of wild grass that blows in the opposite direction, in real time. The work is intended as a subtle joke, testing the viewer’s ability to detect this flaw in the moving image. It also provides a warm inviting vista to look out upon, especially when presented during the dreary winter, months or the beginning of spring. Since most of the population of Canada lives in large urban centres how do we consider landscape in a contemporary world? In a media saturated urban environment, what does it mean to watch a video of a landscape ‘perform’? Off-site creates a subtle unhinging of the ‘naturalness’ of nature.

Premiere: Large projection, (7000 lumen projection with long lens for large image) outdoor corner of James and St. Paul Street, St. Catharines ON, sunset to sunrise, March 28 – April 3, 2011


2011   St. Paul and James Street corner, St. Single channel, RT 2m, HDV 2011. Catharines ON, March 28 – April 2